17. Girls Can Lead subscription based monthly booklets for young girls

Despite many achievements accomplished by women over the years, statistics tell us that they make up only 14% of top executives and 8% of top earners today.  While its good that women have entered the workforce in droves and make up 52% of entry level positions, we have long way to go to level the playing field and make up for years of discrimination and hundreds of years of people telling women they can't.  Empowering girls to be more brings a perspective to the most powerful and influential positions that matter, decisions that shape the world.  In order to get there we need to show girls they belong. 

Girl Can Lead monthly subscription mission is to inspire the future generation of girl leaders and make them feel they belong. 

Their voice matters. 

Highlighting stories of women leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers on a consistent basis - young girls will have other women to look up to making the way to leveling the playing field by inspiring girls to dream big. It would include insights to overcoming big challenges and go for their biggest dreams and information such as about money and investing exposing girls to areas we know are important and yet many girls today are not gaining enough exposure. 

Girls bring a unique perspective and have solutions we need heard. 


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